Would you ever think that your old shoes could help Joey’s Wish Inc. raise funds to support research to aid in ending addiction? Well they can and here’s how. Our team is participating in a fundraiser where there is nothing to buy or sell, all we need is your support and your old shoes. We are looking for community members to help support us by agreeing to collect gently worn, used and new shoes between April 1st-October 1st. Remember, every pair that you collect helps. Our goal for this year is 10,000 pairs! We need everyone’s help! Thank you!
Cayuga County Sheriffs Dept
Sams Shoe Store
Town of Manlius Recreation (Town Hall)
Manlius Library
Elbridge Library
Baldwinsville YMCA
Elite Personal Fitness (Township 5 Camillus)
Fayetteville YMCA
Madison County Sheriffs Dept
Sweet Aroma Cafe
Fayetteville Library
Elevate Dewitt
Elevate Liverpool
Flamingo Bowl
Auburn Police Dept
Skaneateles YMCA
Town of Clay City Hall
Knights of Columbus Council #207-Auburn