Joey’s Wish Shoe Drive
Would you ever think that your old shoes could help Joey’s Wish Inc. raise funds to support research to aid in ending addiction? Well they can and here’s how. Our team is participating in a fundraiser where there is nothing to buy or sell, all we need is your support and your old shoes. We are looking for community members to help support us by agreeing to collect gently worn, used and new shoes between April 1st-October 1st. Remember, every pair that you collect helps. Our goal for this year is 10,000 pairs! We need everyone’s help! Thank you!
Cayuga County Sheriffs Dept
Sams Shoe Store
Town of Manlius Recreation (Town Hall)
Manlius Library
Elbridge Library
Baldwinsville YMCA
Elite Personal Fitness (Township 5 Camillus)
Fayetteville YMCA
Madison County Sheriffs Dept
Sweet Aroma Cafe
Fayetteville Library
Elevate Dewitt
Elevate Liverpool
Flamingo Bowl
Auburn Police Dept
Skaneateles YMCA
Town of Clay City Hall
Knights of Columbus Council #207-Auburn
Eat for Funds at Smokey Bones
Support Joey’s Wish Inc on Thursday, April 10th by taking your family or friends to dinner at Smokey Bones! 15% of sales between 5 and 9pm will be donated to Joey’s Wish. Please be sure to show your server the flyer.
JW 3rd annual Walk Fundraiser
Join us for our 3rd annual Joey’s Wish Walk Fundraiser on Sunday June 22nd! Registration $20. Enjoy a 1 mile walk with fellow participants. Afterwards, there will be live music, food, 50/50, and raffle baskets! All donating participants will receive a free Joey’s Wish t-shirt. Please email your shirt size to Register at

Joey's Wish 3rd Annual Bowl-a-thon!
Join us for our third annual bowl-a-thon! $20 tickets include pizza, soda, and shoe rental. 100% of ticket proceeds go to leading scientific facilities that seek to end addiction. Tickets can be purchased via Joey’s Wish Inc.’s 3rd annual Bowl-a-thon Tickets, Sat, Feb 15, 2025 at 2:00 PM | Eventbrite

Joey's Wish Inc, at Syracuse Crunch
Joey’s Wish, Inc Night at Syracuse Crunch! Join us on Saturday, January 11th at 7pm at the Upstate Medical University Arena. Tickets are $20 per person. Purchase via the link ISM | Syracuse Crunch (

Joey's Wish Bingo Night!
Play BINGO for free! Join Joey’s Wish Inc for a night of Bingo at O’Hara’s Clubhouse at Millstone Golf Course! Help us raise funds to support research to aid in ending the addiction crisis.
Food, drinks, and raffles are available for purchase.

NYS Sportsman Day's
Come enjoy the festivities while helping us raise funds to support addiction research! NYS Sportsman Days at Carpenter’s Brook Fish Hatchery on September 28th & 29th from 11am-5pm. We will be offering 50/50 raffles! Need not be present to win!
Joey's Wish Syracuse Mets Night!
Join the Syracuse Met’s and Joey’s Wish for a beautiful day at the ballpark! $4 of every ticket purchased from our link will be donated back to the organization to raise money to fund research to end addiction. It is also Star Wars night and there will be a fireworks display following the game. Hope to see you there!
2nd Annual Minigolf Fudraiser
Please join us in raising funds to support research to aid in ending the addiction crisis. For $20 you get 2 hours of Putt-Putt and a small ice cream or slushie. In addition we will have multiple raffle baskets and a contest at the 19th hole for your chance to win a karaoke machine or a Yeti bucket! Please reach out to or visit Eventbrite to purchase tickets. Hope to see you there!
Eventbrite ticket link:
Joey’s Wish Inc. 2nd annual putt-putt weekend. Tickets, Sat, Aug 3, 2024 at 10:00 AM | Eventbrite

Joey's Wish Syracuse Mets Night!
Join the Syracuse Met’s and Joey’s Wish for a beautiful day at the ballpark! $4 of every ticket purchased from our link will be donated back to the organization to raise money to fund research to end addiction. It is also Star Wars night and there will be a fireworks display following the game. Hope to see you there!

JW 2nd Annual Walk/Run
Join us on Sunday, June 9th for the Joey’s Wish, second annual 5K run/1 mile walk! Together we will run to raise funds and awareness to support research seeking to end the addiction crisis. There will be music, food, and raffles! Water, snacks, and swag will be provided for participants. Register by May 10th to receive a free t-shirt! Tickets available at at $25 per person.

JW 2nd Annual Bowl-A-THON
Join us for our second annual Bowl-A-Thon at Flamingo Bowl on March 2nd from 2-4pm! Tickets are $20 each and include pizza, soda, and shoe rental. Tickets to be purchased at
Joey's Wish, Inc @ Syracuse Crunch
Joey’s Wish, Inc Night at Syracuse Crunch! Join us on Saturday, February 10th at 7pm at the Upstate Medical University Arena. Tickets are $20 per person. Purchase via the link below.

Joey's Wish Chick-fil-A Night!
Joey’s Wish night at CFA! Mention our nonprofit and a portion of proceeds will come to us!

JW Bottle and Can Drive!
Bring your cans and bottles to Hurdy’s redemption center on Saturday January 6th (Weedsport or Elbridge locations) between 10am-5pm and 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the leading scientific research seeking to end addiction.
Joey's Wish Inc Can/Bottle Drive (Ongoing)
Auburn Bottle Return has been gracious enough to accept can and bottle donations supporting Joey’s Wish Inc all year long! Please drop off your donations stating they are to support Joey’s Wish. 100% of your donations go toward the leading scientific research to end addiction. THANK YOU Auburn Bottle Return!

Mini Golf Fundraiser
Join us at Fairmount Glen Miniature Golf on August 19th & 20th! Tickets include two hours of mini golf and one large ice cream cone or slushie at $25 per person. Tickets are available via or via email at Each ticket purchase will help fund the latest and leading research to end addiction.

Joey's Wish & Syracuse Mets
Join the Syracuse Mets and Joey’s Wish for a night of baseball! Fun for the whole family! Purchase your tickets to the August 4th game using the link below and $4 of every ticket purchased will be donated to fund addiction research.
Joey's Wish Inc 5K Walk/Run
Join us for our first annual Joeys Wish Inc 5k Walk/Run! Together we will walk/run to raise funds to support addiction research. Register on by June 15th to receive a free t-shirt to wear for the run. Please email t-shirt sizes to The event will feature live music, raffles, and food trucks. Registration is $30 per person.
Joey's Wish Shoe Drive
Would you ever think that your old shoes could help Joey’s Wish Inc. raise funds to support research to aid in ending addiction? Well they can and here’s how. Our team is participating in a fundraiser where there is nothing to buy or sell, all we need is your support and your old shoes. We are looking for community members to help support us by agreeing to collect 25 pairs of gently worn, used and new shoes in the next 4 weeks. Remember, every pair that you collect helps. Our goal is a minimum of 2500 however we are all overachievers and would love to double this number! We need everyone’s help! Thank you!

Spring Fling Fundraiser
Join us for our first annual Spring Fling Fundraiser! There will be a live DJ, karaoke, contests, prizes, raffles, vendors and more! $20 per person. Tickets will be sold at door or please visit

Joey’s Wish Bowl-a-thon
Register @
and search Joey’s Wish Bowl-a-thon
Includes: Two hours of bowling, two slices of pizza, shoe rental,
and unlimited soft drinks at $30 a person
REGISTRATION CUT OFF IS 2/28 -no tickets sold at the door

Blaze Pizza Fundraiser
Blaze Pizza of Dewitt will donate 20% of the proceeds of each meal to support our organization on 2/23!
In-restaurant: Bring in our Blaze Pizza Flyer or show it on your phone before paying
Online Orders: Enter the Promo Code: 1374A

Tully's Good Times
Have dinner and support Joey’s Wish! Tully’s will donate 10% of the sales from all receipts collected and accompanied by the coupon. A printed coupon must be given for our organization to receive credit. If you would like to receive a coupon, please email